Hutchinson Variants
Most collectors understand and agree on obvious bottle variations such as round versus horseshoe-shaped plate moulds, and round versus ten panel bases. Beyond these basic differences, the definition of “variant” becomes fuzzy. Some collectors differentiate between base, shoulder, and top shapes, shades of aqua, and bottle sizes, and defining variants is a point upon which not all collectors agree. The definitions utilized for the Hutchinson Bottle Directory reflect the guidelines used for my personal collection, the bottle books I have authored, and input from numerous Hutchinson collector specialists. Here is the definition of "variant" being utilized for the Hutchinson Bottle Directory:
Bottles with different plate mould shapes, e.g. round versus horseshoe-shaped versus private moulds, are variants;
Bottles with different base shapes, e.g. Round versus 10 Panel Base, are variants;
Bottles with totally different glass colors, e.g. aqua versus flint (clear) versus cobalt blue, are variants;
Specific shades of aqua are sometimes noted, e.g. “light aqua” versus “blue aqua,” but no matter the shade of aqua, these bottles have only one catalog listing;
Flint (clear) and sun-colored-amethyst bottles that are otherwise identical have only one catalog listing;
Bottles blown by different glass manufacturers are variants. Although the embossing may appear to be identical, close examination usually reveals the punctuation varies, lettering and plate moulds are different sizes, etc.; and
Slight height differences between bottles are not catalogued as variants if the embossing is identical. Heights depend on how much glass was gathered for blowing the body, how much glass was gathered for blowing the top, and where the body and top were positioned when they were joined. Larger, approximately 28 ounce Hutchinson bottles often incorrectly referred to as “quarts;” are variants and have individual listings.