
Updated: December 31, 2021

Quick-Links (click to navigate directly to the indexed topic):


Bottle collectors, bottle book authors, historical archaeologists, historians, and on-line auction sellers are the primary sources of information about the nearly 21,000 bottles catalogued for the Hutchinson Bottle Directory.  We are deeply indebted to the hundreds of dedicated, long-time Hutchinson Specialists who have contributed their time, energy, and personal expenses to this project; without them it would have been an impossible undertaking.  Even with their most-appreciated assistance, this initiative has been (and still is) an enormous challenge.  Many more contributor names will be added.


A tremendous variety and number of resources have been referenced while researching and preparing the extensive historical information accompanying the Hutchinson Bottle Directory.  Click the following link to review the ever-growing list of resources that have been consulted since this project was initiated:

Advanced Bottle Collector Links

An ever-growing number of top-quality web sites are providing valuable, accurate, and highly useful information for collectors of antique bottles.  Several of the hobby’s foremost collectors and researchers are utilizing the Internet to make available informative, factual explanations detailing many facets of this wonderful hobby.  The accompanying list provides links to several of the very best sites.  Please EMail us if you know of other links that should be considered for addition to this page: