Hutchinson Stopper Injectors
Gustave A. Bode successfully
marketed the wooden “M. & M. Patent Stopper Injector.”
Although it was faster to insert stoppers into
bottles with this device, the stoppers had a tendency to jam within the
injector. Bottler
acceptance of Bode’s injector was more likely related to the elimination
of blistered hands, rather than its ease of operation.
Bode’s firm was a nationally known bottler’s supply house,
particularly for their high quality extracts.
Note the Hutchinson bottle illustrated in the accompanying
National Bottlers’ Gazette
advertisement is a G. A. BODE / BOTTLERS / EXTRACTS / CHICAGO:

W. H. Hutchinson and Son
1908 Bottler’s Book advertised a very similar “Hutchinson’s
Stopper Injector, Maple, open on one side, tin lined” for 75¢ each.