Charles G. Hutchinson Bottle Stopper

U.S. Patent Number: 213,992                          Patented: April 8, 1879




Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 213,992, dated

April 8, 1879; application filed October 28, 1878.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, CHARLES G. HUTCHINSON, of Chicago, in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Bottle-Stoppers, of which the following, in connection with the accompanying drawings, is a specification.

Figure 1 is a vertical central section of the upper part or neck of a bottle provided with my improved stopper, showing the latter in its highest position or when the bottle is closed; and Fig. 2, a like representation, showing the position of the stopper when the bottle is open.

Like letters of reference indicate like parts.

In the drawings, A represents the neck or upper portion of a bottle.  The neck is contracted slightly, as is usual, and as shown, between its upper or outer end and its lower end or portion, which merges into the body of the bottle.  B is the stopper, which may consist, as heretofore, of a disk of rubber.  C is a laterally-yielding spring, to which the stopper is attached.  This spring extends above the stopper and enters the neck of the bottle, as shown.

In order that the stopper B may be suspended below or away from the neck of the bottle, I extend the spring C upward, and make this upper part sufficiently large to prevent it from falling down through the neck, but not so large as to prevent the lower part of the spring from passing through or below the narrowest part of the neck.

A simple and inexpensive way of constructing a spring for the purposes set forth, and uniting it in all the advantages now recited, is to make it of flexible wire, bending the wire so that the spring will approximate the figure 8 in form, as shown, leaving one end free, and attaching the other to the stopper.

A small hook may be employed to draw the stopper up into the neck, the top of the spring serving as a loop to receive the hook.  The stopper, however, may be drawn up by grasping the spring with the fingers.

Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is –

A bottle-stopper consisting of the plug B, provided on its upper face with the continuous flexible wire C, rigidly attached thereto at one end, and bent to approximate the figure 8 in form, the other end of said wire being bent back to a point near the end attached to the plug, and the end so bent back being left free or loose, in combination with a bottle having a neck somewhat narrower, interiorly, than the said bent part or extension of the stopper, substantially as shown and described, and for the purposes set forth.


Witnesses: F. F. Warner,

       Chas. H. Schoff.


Charles G. Hutchinson’s five bottle-stopper patents are included in their entirety to serve as reference sources for tracking their design evolution.  Also see:

U.S. Patent Number: Reissue 8,755                      Patented: June 17, 1879

U.S. Patent Number: 219,729                               Patented: September 16, 1879

U.S. Patent Number: 225,476                               Patented: March 16, 1880

U.S. Patent Number: 285,488                               Patented: September 25, 1883