W. H. Hutchinson & Son
Updated: June 17, 2023
Henry Hutchinson was born in 1812 to Joseph and Sarah Hutchinson of
Lebanon, Connecticut. During the 1830s he lived in Williamsburg,
New York where he established and operated a rooming
house known as the Williamsburg Inn.
In 1840 he headed west to Chicago, Illinois and spent the next
several years working at odd jobs.
W. H. Hutchinson opened a small Company of
In 1851 operations were moved to the corner of
Randolph and Peoria Streets (8 & 10 North Peoria Street).
The Hutchinson & Company name was changed to “W. H. Hutchinson &
Company” in 1855 and their new cobalt blue soda bottles were embossed
W.H.H. /
An interesting and very rare bottle from this era is a
beautiful, squat, cobalt blue, blob top soda embossed W. H. H. /
In 1858, William H. Hutchinson and T. O. Dunn formed a partnership
known as “Hutchinson & Dunn” and bottled soda water, ale,
and porter. No bottles are known listing this business name or their
242-245 West Randolph Street address.
In 1863 Dunn sold his interests to William H. Hutchinson’s sons, William
A. Hutchinson and George C. Hutchinson. The sons became company officers,
and the company name was changed to “W. H. Hutchinson & Sons.”
The “W.H.H.” trade mark, however, continued to be used for
several years thereafter.
W. H. Hutchinson & Sons’ bottles in the late 1860s/early 1870s included
amber and aqua W.H.H. pint porter beers, amber W.H.H. / CHICAGO
wine-style quarts, round bottom ginger ales, and amber and green
Saratoga-style W.H.H. mineral waters.
Fortuitously, the W. H. Hutchinson and Sons’ bottling
plant was located west of the business district devastated by the great
In early 1879, William H. Hutchinson died and his son
William A. Hutchinson retired.
Ownership of the firm then passed to George C. Hutchinson and his
younger brother, Charles Grove Hutchinson.
How unfortunate that William H. Hutchinson didn’t live to see
the enormous success his firm achieved following Charles G. Hutchinson’s
invention and registration of “Hutchinson’s Patent Spring Stopper” April
8, 1879.
In 1882,
The Chicago Fountain Soda Water Company was
established in 1887, with Charles G. Hutchinson as president.
This branch operation focused on selling soda fountain supplies,
allowing W. H. Hutchinson & Son to concentrate on manufacturing and
selling stoppers and extracts.
In their 1889 Bottlers Supplies catalog, W. H. Hutchinson & Son advertised:
By favoring us with their orders,
Bottlers will get the benefit of our forty (40) years’ continuous
experience in the bottling of every description of Carbonated
Beverages…Our Patent Spring Stopper is now in successful use by over
twenty-five hundred (2,500) Bottlers, with the number constantly on the
increase…We have an immense number of testimonials on the merits of the
Hutchinson Stopper from Bottlers all over the country, but prefer not to
print them, as the frequent abuse of testimonials, a great many of
which, as a general thing are manufactured, has inspired a universal
distrust in the value of such evidence.
In addition to heavy promotion
Over 3,000 North American bottlers were
Just two years later W. H. Hutchinson & Son boldly advertised "'The HUTCHINSON' - The Only Successful Soda Water Stopper in Use" with "References: 4,865 BOTTLERS Who are using them in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Australia and Guatemala." (Special thanks to Zang Wood, Farmington, New Mexico, for providing a copy of the following advertisement from the November 5, 1892 issue of the National Bottlers Gazette, page 76.)
When the following full page advertisement appeared in an 1897 issue of
Western Bottler, W. H.
Hutchinson and Son had dropped the price of
George C. Hutchinson’s death in 1897, Charles G. Hutchinson became
president of the firm. When
Charles G. Hutchinson passed away in 1903, Mrs. George C. Hutchinson
became president, with Douglas W. Hutchinson (W. H. Hutchinson’s fourth
and youngest son) serving as secretary-treasurer (and later as
vice-president and general manager).
The W. H. Hutchinson and Son 1908
Bottler’s Book included the
following facsimile copy of a letter to the Secretary of Agriculture
indicating the firm’s products complied with the Pure Food and Drugs Act
of 1906:
The title page of the W. H.
Hutchinson and Son 1908 Bottler’s
also provides what is so far the only known documented use of the
corporate emblem illustrated at the right.
It is included here for future reference and possible use in
dating marked items.
The page
headers in the 1910 Bottlers’
Supplies catalog identified W. H. Hutchinson and Son as “The Only
Exclusive Bottlers’ Supply House” and identified their address as
During an experience of fifty-eight years in the
bottling and supplying of Flavors, manufactured by ourselves, we have
accumulated many valuable formulas.
Much attention has been devoted to this branch of the business
and no expense spared; the result is one of the finest equipped
laboratories in the world devoted to the manufacture of Soluble Flavors
for the exclusive use of the bottler, and the popularity of our goods is
well known in all localities.
Our aim has always been quality rather than price…Take our
advice: Buy only the best.
The development of Owens’ Automatic Bottle Machine,
passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906, and the economic reality
that crown seal closures (bottle caps) were sanitary, easily applied,
and significantly less expensive than
In 1916 W. H. Hutchinson & Son’s operations were moved
The Vaughan Novelty Manufacturing Company in Chicago was a major manufacturer of openers for many years, including the following two metal "cap lifters with folding corkscrews" produced between 1915 and 1920. The front of this first example is debossed with lettering advertising W. H. Hutchinson and Son.
The back is debossed MADE & PAT'D / IN U. S. A. / VAUGHAN / CHICAGO / CROWNS - FLAVORS.
The front of this second example is debossed with lettering advertising W. H. Hutchinson & Son, Inc.
(Images courtesy of Jake Smith)
A full page advertisement in the June 5, 1920 National Bottlers’ Gazette provides additional insight into W. H. Hutchinson & Son’s business practices:
You are either a customer of ours, or a
prospective customer, at least we hope so.
If we tell you that we will supply you
with better goods than anyone else in the world at lower prices than
others are able to get for poorer quality, you will naturally
suspect that we are either liars or fools, perhaps both.
We give you credit for having reasonable
intelligence, and believe that you would readily detect the “bunk”
if we should try to put anything over on you.
Honesty ought to be the best policy in
advertising as well as in trade, and for that reason we endeavor to
avoid extravagant claims and bombastic statements…
We take an honest pride, not only in our products, but in our long record of fair dealing and legitimate business success, a record which we ask you to accept as proof that our products are meritorious, our dealings honorable, and our service good.
This full page advertisement is from the September 15, 1933 National Bottlers' Gazette:
W. H. Hutchinson & Son, Inc. was a major manufacturer
of beer and soft drink crown caps when the firm was sold to the
International Silver Corporation (Insilco) for $9 million in 1962.
W. H. Hutchinson & Son, Inc. was purchased by the National Can Corporation in 1974 and became their closure division.